Advancing Your Marketing
Uniquely, we have explored marketing theory and practice
through the linking of seemingly unrelated scientific disciplines.
made up of
form the base material
of this programme.
Consilience : noun [con·sil·ience]
Creating new knowledge, by the linking of facts and fact based theory across disciplines, to create a common groundwork of explanation
WHAT is it?
WHO should attend?
To compete in business today, these learnings need to be applied across all disciplines
within the Marketing and Communication professions.
WHY do the course?
Until now, there has been a flood of disinformation, based on myths, assumptions and unvalidated theory, in relation to Marketing and Buyer Behaviour. Marketing remains a creative profession, but like many other creative professions, it needs laws to guide its efforts.
People skilled in Evidence-based Marketing (EBM) are becoming some of the most sought-after professionals in modern business.
• About us
• Definition of Consilience
• What is Evidence-based Marketing
• Marketing:Then and Now
Prediction! “When young marketing people today retire, they will say they were ‘scientists’, studying
buying and selling” Professor Byron Sharp – Ehrenberg Bass Institute
• About us?
• Definition of Consilience
• What is Evidence Based Marketing (EBM)?
• Marketing: then and now
Sources & Acknowledgments
The leading Authorities, Institutions and Books in:
• Neuroscience
• Behavioural Sciences &
Behavioural Economics
• Marketing Research
”I can see further because I have stood on the shoulders of Giants” Sir Isaac Newton
A simple guide to the relevant inner workings and structure of the brain.
Behavioural Science & Behavioural Economics
Applying insights to understand, predict and influence behaviour.
”We think much less than we think we think” Daniel Kahneman
Marketing Research:
What to Consider?
• What IS a Brand?
• Why are brands necessary?
• Building Mental and Physical
Availability at Scale?
• Why and How?
• Difference between Marketing and
Who to Target?
• Who are your customers?
• Who are your competitors?
• Why and how do you increase your
customer base?
• Acquisition and retention strategies?
• Implications for Targeting and
How to Implement?
• How Marketing and Advertising work?
• Advertising as Persuasion OR
Creative Publicity?
• Differentiation, Unique Selling Points,
Positioning OR Distinctiveness?
Common Tactics
1. Discounting/Price Promotions/ROI.
2. Loyalty Programmes.
3. Personalisation strategies.
4. Purpose led campaigns.
“The Illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who
cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn” Alvin Toffler – Writer, Futurist and Businessman
Marketing Research:
• What IS a Brand?
• Why are brands necessary?
• Building Mental and Physical
Availability at Scale?
• Why and How?
• Difference between Marketing and
• Who are your customers?
• Who are your competitors?
• Why and how do you increase your
customer base?
• Acquisition and retention strategies?
• Implications for Targeting and
• How Marketing and Advertising work?
• Advertising as Persuasion OR Creative
• Differentiation, Unique Selling Points,
Positioning OR Distinctiveness?
1. Discounting/Price Promotions/ROI
2. Loyalty Programmes.
3. Personalisation strategies.
4. Purpose led campaigns.
Specialist Topics
How it`s measured?
Does it matter?
How much is necessary?
How to optimise?
Media Planning and Strategy
Currently a paradigm shift is happening in Media Planning and Implementation.
Understand WHAT, WHY and HOW to apply the new thinking.
Category Entry Points
How to Identify and Apply?
Activation vs Brand Building
Is there a magic formula?
Brain friendly tips to enhance chances of getting noticed and remembered.
Measurement and Analytics
Measuring what matters.
Distinctive Brand Assets
How to Identify, Create and Manage.
“The Creative people make the ads, everyone else makes the arrangements”
Bob Hoffman – The Ad Contrarian
Gill Randall
Debbie McIntyre
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